Challenges of Developing Renewable Energy

John Kaweske
2 min readApr 26, 2023

Renewable energy development has been a critical focus for many governments and organizations worldwide as they look to lower carbon emissions. While renewable energy has many benefits, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving energy security, several challenges must be addressed to realize renewable energy’s potential fully.

High initial costs

One of the biggest challenges of developing renewable energy is the high initial costs of building renewable energy infrastructure. While renewable energy technologies have become more affordable in recent years, the upfront costs of building solar panels, wind turbines, and other renewable energy systems can be expensive for many governments and organizations.


Another challenge in developing renewable energy is the intermittency of sources, such as wind and solar. Unlike fossil fuels, which can be accessed and used anytime, renewable energy sources depend on weather conditions and other external factors. This means that renewable energy systems may not always be able to provide a consistent and reliable energy source.

Lack of infrastructure

A third challenge in developing renewable energy is the lack of infrastructure to support renewable energy systems. This includes transmission lines, energy storage systems, and other infrastructure needed to move renewable energy to where it is required. Without this infrastructure, it can be challenging to fully realize the potential of renewable energy.

Resistance from the fossil fuel industry

The fossil fuel industry is a significant player in the global energy market, and they have a vested interest in maintaining their dominance. As a result, they may resist efforts to develop renewable energy sources, often through lobbying efforts and political influence. This can make it challenging for governments and organizations to embrace renewable energy and fully transition away from fossil fuels.

Public perception

While the benefits of renewable energy are clear, there are often concerns about the impact of renewable energy systems on the environment and the visual impact of wind turbines and other renewable energy infrastructure. These concerns can make it challenging for governments and organizations to gain public support for renewable energy projects.

While renewable energy has many benefits, several challenges must be addressed in the public eye and logistically. Many challenges must be overcome, from the high initial costs of building renewable energy infrastructure to the intermittency of some renewable energy sources. Governments and organizations must work together to address these challenges and promote renewable energy development to create a more sustainable and energy-secure future.

Originally published at on April 26, 2023.



John Kaweske

John Kaweske is a Colorado Springs-based entrepreneur focused on sustainability, biotechnology, and renewable energy.